Take a look at what I've been working on

React Dictionary App

React Dictionary App

Built with React, advanced HTML, CSS, Javascript and Boostrap. Using real data and API. Final project of SheCodes Plus course (certificate below).

What word do you want to look up today?

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React Weather App

React Weather App

Built with React, advanced HTML, CSS, Javascript and Boostrap. Using real data and API. Final project of SheCodes Plus course (certificate below).

What's the weather like in your city? Check it out!

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Weather App preview

Weather Project

Built with advanced HTML, CSS, Javascript and Boostrap. Using real data and API. Final project of SheCodes Plus course (certificate below).

What's the weather like in your next travel destination? Go ahead and check it out yourself

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My First Portfolio

My First Portfolio build with HTMl and CSS. In this project I learnt how to build responsive websites. Final project of SheCodes Responsive course (certificate below).

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Landing Page- Book Recommendation preview

Landing Page - Book Recommendation

Built with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Final project of SheCodes Basic course (certificate below).

Make sure to check out this book recommendation!

Launch the project

Look at some more projects of mine on Frontend Mentor where I contribute to an open source and practice my skills.

Courses Completed

  • Codecademy - Learn the Command Line (05/2023) Certificate

    Skills learnt: Learned about the command line, starting with navigating and manipulating the file system.

  • SheCodes Pro (10/2022) Certificate

    Skills learnt: Introduction to React framework. Advanced HTML, CSS, React, Javascript, API, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting, Netflify

    Final Projects: React Dictionary App & React Weather App

  • SheCodes Responsive (04/2022) Certificate

    Skills learnt: Advanced HTML, CSS, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting, Flexbox, SEO, Responsive

    Final Project: Weather App

  • SheCodes Plus (02/2022) Certificate

    Skills learnt: Advanced HTML, CSS, Javascript, API, GitHub, Bootstrap, Hosting, Netflify

    Final Project: My First Portfolio

  • SheCodes Basic (11/2021) Certificate

    Skills learnt: basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VS Code

    Final Project: Landing Page- a Book Recommendation